As of tomorrow, I will have been in Pusan, South Korea for two solid months. My first week or so was considered training, though, and you don't get paid for training here. I only get paid once a month, so this will actually be my first full paycheck. In a word, I'm broke. People are always talking about all of these things you can do without cash, but I've found that in most cases in life, people are stupid. I'm sure there's some huge treasure trove of "free" activities to do, but I've never seen it. The truth is: I love to spend money. I like to buy shit that I'll only use once; I like to blow money on a night out on the town... or a week out on the town if it's a particularly good week. I'm a deacon in the Church of the Holy Consumer. Sex, drugs and rock n roll. I love it all. Money defines me and my life. Ya, I know, "That's sad", right?.... not to me. Sad to me is pinching every penny and saving for that "rainy day". I save for a "make it rain" day.... and I blow the fund every week. I'm just not good at doing things that do not cost money. It's the server/ bartender mentality that I've had since I was sixteen. Unfortunately, the lack of money is currently "defining me and my life". The good news is that Korea is relatively cheap, my rent is paid for by my employer and my paychecks will be more than enough to get me through a month, leaving me with a little extra for trips and mini-vaca's. I just have to get through the next day or so and everything will be fine.

The next big plan for July is a river trekking and windsurfing trip on July 30th. It's an overnight trip that's split into two major sections: river trekking and cliff diving on day 1, windsurfing and party at the beach on day two. The guide keeps the info on this trip close to his breast, but the first day description sounds very similar to Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park in Missouri, one of my all time favorite vacations as a kid. I hope it's everything I'm expecting it to be. I don't know anyone else that's going, but there are about 30 people signed up for the trip... max of 33. It should be a pretty good time and I'll write about it a little more in depth when I get back.
Maybe I'll go blow some money on a waterproof camera.... and it so it begins again.
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